I Am a Better Mom in the Summer
Soon the back to school commercials will be coming out, with images of parents skipping through aisles of No. 2 pencils, binders and...

Summer is No Longer Sacred
If you know me well, you should probably stop reading, as you have heard me vent about this before. I have been shouting into the wind...

Childhood Obesity Gets Worse In the Summer
I just read a study revealing that during the K-2nd grade years, kids get significantly fatter during the summer months. At first pass,...

The Uptick in Ticks: What You Need to Know
The tick population here in the northeast is predicted to be larger than ever. More ticks equals more risk for tick borne diseases like...

5 Tips For Getting Rid of Summer Bloat
As usual, I am rolling out of summer hair fried, liver angry, skin neglected and jeans tight. About a week ago I was lamenting the end of...

The Loss of Freedom
July 4th should have me thinking about independence and freedom. It should be a day to be grateful for the gift of being able to raise...