Summer is No Longer Sacred
If you know me well, you should probably stop reading, as you have heard me vent about this before. I have been shouting into the wind...
25 Things Your Mom Never Worried About
My Mom, Circa 1969 It is no secret moms today are more stressed and depressed than the moms who raised us in the 70s and early 80s. They...
I Blame You For Making Me Want to Look Younger
Yeah, that’s right. I completely blame you for my having to care about getting older. I would be happy to grow old gracefully and...
The Love Hate Relationships That Depress Me
In my younger days, I had my share of silly, tumultuous relationships … boyfriends, high school friends, the height of my hair, Jon Bon...
30 Reasons to Throw Away Maternal Guilt
I’m sick and tired of the guilt. Here are 30 reasons to let it go. 1 – You gave up wine for nine months, got fat, got hemorrhoids, got...
The Loss of Freedom
July 4th should have me thinking about independence and freedom. It should be a day to be grateful for the gift of being able to raise...
We Need Another Word For Happy
How often have you said, or listened to another mom or dad say, “I just want my kids to be happy.” I call bull shit. Saying this makes us...
Why The Manning Men Married Their Mother
Super Bowl 50 taught me two things. Defense wins games and men marry women who look like their mothers. Big shout out to Von Miller and...