Do School Lunches Make You Sick?
Ask almost any mom what she dreads most about back to school, and she’ll tell you it is making lunch every day. We want to help. Erin has...

I Am a Better Mom in the Summer
Soon the back to school commercials will be coming out, with images of parents skipping through aisles of No. 2 pencils, binders and...

The Best Tip For Parenting A Teen
With three daughters, people have been telling me to “watch out” and “just you wait” for years. As such, I have been living with a phobia...

Our Kids Will Love Us No Matter What
I am finally settling into summer. (If one more person says it is almost over, I’m going to lose it.) This summer, I am making time to...

Dance Dads... Wake up!
This past weekend was my daughter’s dance recital. She was in three out of four shows, and some kids were in all four, performing in as...

Childhood Obesity Gets Worse In the Summer
I just read a study revealing that during the K-2nd grade years, kids get significantly fatter during the summer months. At first pass,...

Advice To My Daughters About Work
My advice to my daughters will be this — never stop working. A friend and I were discussing our children’s future the other day, and she...

The Sex Talk
A friend just told me her pediatrician instructed her teenage boys to practice putting on (and taking off) condoms. I know this is a good...

The Danger of Making Our Kids Stars in Their Little Worlds... A Lesson From Erin Moran
The passing of Erin Moran once again brought to light the struggles faced by child stars. While it now seems she died from stage 4...

Better Dad = Better Sex ... Seriously!
I volunteered to be class parent–which everyone calls “class mom” even though it is a gender non-specific position — for my 5th grader....