Should You Tell Your Kids to Drink Responsibly?
Prom season used to make me think limos and dresses and fun. Now, it makes me think kids and booze and sex. It isn’t my age doing this to...

Advice To My Daughters About Work
My advice to my daughters will be this — never stop working. A friend and I were discussing our children’s future the other day, and she...

10 Reasons to Exercise Other Than Weight Loss
“You can’t out-train crappy eating.” This is a very true, somewhat depressing statement. What is the first thing everyone who wants to...

The Sex Talk
A friend just told me her pediatrician instructed her teenage boys to practice putting on (and taking off) condoms. I know this is a good...

The Danger of Making Our Kids Stars in Their Little Worlds... A Lesson From Erin Moran
The passing of Erin Moran once again brought to light the struggles faced by child stars. While it now seems she died from stage 4...

Keeping Your Urinary Tract in Great Shape
You treat, it comes back. You treat again, it comes back again… It is a terrible way to live. Today, a post-menopausal friend … wait,...

246 Calories ... That's It?
I don’t like to exercise. I wish I did. I am jealous of people who socialize, destress and energize through physical activity, but this...

Talk to Your Hunk About His Junk
When young men come to see me for a routine physical, I have a high suspicion something is actually bothering them — the trick is to get...

Overdose... It Can Happen In Your Home
I just read an article about the growing number of toddlers who die each year from opioid overdose. We think of this as an adult problem,...

Better Dad = Better Sex ... Seriously!
I volunteered to be class parent–which everyone calls “class mom” even though it is a gender non-specific position — for my 5th grader....