How to Keep Love Working For Your Health
Being in love is good for you. This should come as no surprise. When an animated character falls in love, they literally walk on air....

Being Angry Accomplishes Less Than Nothing
“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” — Buddha I posted this quote yesterday on Instagram....

My Takeaway From The Toddler Hero Accident
By now you have probably seen the video of the two year old who pushed a fallen dresser off his trapped twin. It has been on all the news...

How Vocab Gets In the Way of Common Sense
I understand the importance of political correctness — I do. I never want to see anyone’s feelings hurt. I hate to think of kids being...

Should Kids Specialize in Sports? The AAP Says No
Last month the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness issued a clinical report reviewing all that is known...

I Blame You For Making Me Want to Look Younger
Yeah, that’s right. I completely blame you for my having to care about getting older. I would be happy to grow old gracefully and...

Today I'm Thinking About Hunger
I think a lot about the obesity epidemic our country is facing. I see patients with diabetes, hypertension, back pain and depression, and...

Today I'm Thinking About Wellness
Today, I’m thinking about wellness and what the word really means. Like playdate and quality time, it is a term I didn’t grow up with. It...

5 Tips For Getting Rid of Summer Bloat
As usual, I am rolling out of summer hair fried, liver angry, skin neglected and jeans tight. About a week ago I was lamenting the end of...

The Love Hate Relationships That Depress Me
In my younger days, I had my share of silly, tumultuous relationships … boyfriends, high school friends, the height of my hair, Jon Bon...