Are Organized People Healthier?
YIKES! It seems they may be. This is not good news for me, as organization has never been my thing. Arguing with science is not really my...

Should You Go Gluten Free?
Should you go gluten free? The answer is maybe. Remember when Snack Wells came out back in the 90s? My college roommates and I ate them...

Tips For Travel with Kids
It is holiday break time! The airports will be crawling with little kids, escorted by frazzled parents looking forward to some family...

11 Reasons Stay at Home Parents Can't Lose Weight
From an outsider’s perspective, it should be easy for a stay-at-home mom or dad to lose weight and stay fit. Anyone who has never done...

10 Resolutions for a Healthier Family
A mother is never truly alone. Even on the rare occasion I am by myself, my mind and heart are with my kids. I can look to the New Year...

Fight the Flu With Food
You’ve taken your kids for their flu shots, you’ve stocked up on antibacterial soap and you’ve instructed your children to cough in their...

Snacks Are Ruining the Country
Let me just say … YAY!!! Finally, I have an opportunity to roll my soapbox out into the open. I have been complaining about snacks since...

Simple Tips to Make the Mornings Less Stressful
I hate the mornings. I always have — even when I was a kid. Now, I hate my kids in the morning — sometimes. Some days I just cannot wait...